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Taiwan No. 1 market share of firefighting suit. One stop shopping for firefighting suits include after-sales service

· One min read

Factory located in Taoyuan Guanyin, TKK started as an industrial water treatment company, customers including China Steel, Formosa Plastics, and TSMC. Thirty years ago, they stepped into the fireproof fiber industry and produced the first firefighting suit in Taiwan that fit the shape of Orientals, the firefighters no longer have to wear imported and unsuitable firefighting suits. CEO of TKK corporation and the second generation of management ,Anderson Tsai realized in Taiwan there was no complete after-sales service just like American vendors. TKK started to develop service center for firefighting suits and provide complete business from manufacturing to repair. The firefighters can put on the safest tabard. Today, they account for 80% of the market share in Taiwan. The High-Tech textile department generates nearly 500 million NT revenue for the enterprise every year.